Screening Blood Tests
Beth Israel Deaconess Celiac Center has a summary of Blood Tests in Celiac Disease
LabCorp Celiac Disease Testing Services (includes a chart with estimated risk from HLA gene types)
LabCorp Locations
Prometheus Labs has a good reputation for celiac testing. If you want to be sure to have Prometheus run your tests, one option is to have them send you a test kit, then your doctor's office fills out the test requisition that is included with the kit so that you can have the blood drawn. Their tests are Celiac Serology ($295 total as of this writing, before insurance), Celiac Genetics, or a combination of the two called CeliacPlus. Information about the tests is on this page. Call them for more information at 888-423-5227 option 3.
Mayo Clinic Test Catalog for Celiac Disease
LabCorp Celiac Disease Testing Services (includes a chart with estimated risk from HLA gene types)
LabCorp Locations
Prometheus Labs has a good reputation for celiac testing. If you want to be sure to have Prometheus run your tests, one option is to have them send you a test kit, then your doctor's office fills out the test requisition that is included with the kit so that you can have the blood drawn. Their tests are Celiac Serology ($295 total as of this writing, before insurance), Celiac Genetics, or a combination of the two called CeliacPlus. Information about the tests is on this page. Call them for more information at 888-423-5227 option 3.
Mayo Clinic Test Catalog for Celiac Disease
Tests in development or not currently available
Nexvax2 Diagnostic
Augurix Diagnostics ( Simtomax® Point of Care Test: Point of Care Testing for Celiac Disease Lacks Sensitivity
It is possible to screen with a saliva test: The celiac iceberg: characterization of the disease in primary schoolchildren
An over-the-counter screening test for Celiac Disease (which tests for tTG-IgA) was (but apparently is no longer) available to consumers in Canada and many other countries. You may order a kit from the Canadian distributor on their GlutenPro website or from Amazon. Here is an article from Canadian Family Physician: "Home Blood Testing for Celiac Disease".
Augurix Diagnostics ( Simtomax® Point of Care Test: Point of Care Testing for Celiac Disease Lacks Sensitivity
It is possible to screen with a saliva test: The celiac iceberg: characterization of the disease in primary schoolchildren
An over-the-counter screening test for Celiac Disease (which tests for tTG-IgA) was (but apparently is no longer) available to consumers in Canada and many other countries. You may order a kit from the Canadian distributor on their GlutenPro website or from Amazon. Here is an article from Canadian Family Physician: "Home Blood Testing for Celiac Disease".